- Teacher: Site Owner
DALILA project aims at unlocking technical and economic capabilities of younger generation in RE sector in Uganda and Tanzania, enhancing the fundamental role of universities.
The main joint challenge of the project is to equip students that will enter the labour market, with the ability to learn the skills required for adopting new technologies, meeting new environmental regulations and shifting to renewable sources of energy:
Moving towards a greener economy means also to create new opportunities for technologies, investment and jobs, providing skills to tackle climate change and environmental crises.
DALILA team worked to update existing courses and qualifications and/or to create new study fields to address skill needs to meet environmental challenges, sometimes with the direct involvement of industry and local stakeholders.
The uploaded Teaching notes are the results of this activity. The Teachign Notes, elaborated for each new DALILA course, aim at support the teaching and learnign phases, giving the basic knowledge and some suggestions for in-depth analysis of the topics.